5 Questions to Ask if You Keep Guns in Your Home

There are an estimated 300 million firearms in U.S. homes. And, with a lot of guns comes the potential for a lot of gun-related accidents. So, ask yourself these questions to help prevent your household in California from experiencing one. How secure are my guns? Nobody — especially kids — should be able to access your firearms…

Refer Our Agency to Friends & Family, Help the Community!

We have revamped our referral program for 2016 to include donations to local non-profits. For ever referral a client sends to our agency they will receive a $25 gift card to Starbucks or Target, and will donate $25 to a local charity! Donations in the first quarter of 2016 will go to the Valley Humane…

Why Everyone Needs an Umbrella Policy

If you are ever involved in an accident or sued, your standard homeowners or auto policy will provide you with some liability coverage, paying for judgments against you and your attorney’s fees, up to a limit set in the policy. However, in our litigious society, you may want to have an extra layer of liability…

Spring is coming to California! (or so the groundhog thinks)

On Groundhog Day, it’s time to start thinking about spring. (Or time to at least hope that springtime is coming, anyway.) And whether Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not, we here at Gene Morgan Insurance have you covered. Get ready for spring   Although everyone thinks of cleaning when it comes to spring, there…

Play it Safe This Halloween!

Smart parents can ensure a safe Halloween by accompanying small children around the neighborhood. If children are old enough to explore the neighborhood on their own, advise them to visit homes where they know they’ll be welcome. If the house is dark and uninviting, tell the kids to stay away. Parents should also leave the…

Why You Should Consider Flood Insurance

Our agency has been getting calls from clients requesting quotes for flood insurance on their properties in anticipation of California’s EL Nino. It is important to note that floods are not covered on a homeowner’s or commercial property policy and will always require separate insurance. Flood insurance is generally optional and more affordable than you…

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month!

Did you know that September is Life Insurance Awareness Month? With that in mind, we’re gonna lay some cold hard facts on you about life insurance. 7 in 10 American households with children under 18 would be in jeopardy if the primary bread-winner died. 30% of U.S. households (35 million) have no life insurance protection at all….

Need to Provide Group Health Coverage to Employees?

We can help! Our agency is appointed with all major health insurance carriers and can help tailor a plan to meet your needs and budget. Contact us today and we can begin the process to putting together a plan and sorting through all of your many options. Want to review your current plan and look…

Backpack Drive Update

THANK YOU to all of our friends, clients, and neighbors who donated to our backpack and school supply drive. We donated directly to Marilyn Ave school in Livermore, the Livermore Police Department, Tri-Valley Haven, Shepherd’s Gate, and Valley View Elementary in Pleasanton. It was a huge success!