Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful…..

We know how delightful a warm fire is in the winter months. Cuddling up with a cup of hot cocoa and reading your favorite book. However, as the temperature drops the risk of a house fire rises. Renters especially need to be aware of the coverage that they have for personal belongings since this is…

Decorate Safely This Holiday Season!

We know that decorating for Christmas is fun and festive; but before you climb on the roof to string your lights, remember that about 12,500 injuries occur every year due to Christmas lights and decorations. Along with injuries, Christmas decorations also cause millions of dollars in property damage during the holidays. Take a lesson from…

Winter Storms Ahead! Are You Ready?

We admit it: As insurance pros, our picture of winter isn’t exactly cozy. Winter storms mean traffic snarls, hillsides turning to sheets of ice, and cars sliding around like hockey pucks. Cold temperatures can cause pipes to burst, frost swells and other damage. Heating your home with fireplaces and holiday lighting can increase the risk…

Trying to Save Money? Avoid the 5 Biggest Insurance Mistakes!

With nearly one in 10 Americans jobless, foreclosed homes reaching record heights, and others forced to make ends meet with less money, many people are looking for ways to cut costs on their insurance premiums. There are smart ways to save on home and auto insurance; however, there also mistakes that can result in being…

Leave The Paper Trail Behind!

Go green… Go paperless! The advantages of “going paperless” on your insurance policies are endless. For starters, you will help save the forests, but it can also help you become more efficient! Paying bills online saves time, money, and energy. By simply clicking the “pay now” button on your insurance company’s website you will have instantly…

ConDO or ConDON’T? Learn All About Condo Insurance!

You’ve taken the plunge and opted for condo life. Now that the papers are signed, it seems like everything is taken care of for you-building maintenance, roof repairs, landscaping, insurance, etc. It’s time to relax because everything is covered, right? Not quite. The insurance policy provided by the condo association covers the building structure and…

7 Reasons Why Gene Morgan Should Be Your Insurance Agents

We’re independent insurance agents. We have the freedom to find you the coverage you need at the lowest possible premium. Complete coverage for individuals and families – auto, homeowners, renters, boats, motor homes, health and life insurance. Complete coverage for your business – business property, liability, workers comp, professional liability, bonds, marine, farms, trucking, accident…

Separated or Divorced? Protect Your Assets and Review Your Insurance!

With many divorces and separations making headlines in Hollywood today, it is bringing forward and important issue in insurance. Changes in your life will impact your needs and credit, so it is important to learn how to protect your assets. Nearly half of all marriages in the U.S. are likely to end in divorce, and…

Storage Tips For Your Toys That Hibernate

No matter where you live, cooler temperatures will soon be here. You may be thinking about how that will impact your summer powersports toys over the next few months. Here are some useful tips for storing your season toys: For Motorcycles: Top off your fuel tank and add high-quality fuel stabilizer designed for the type…

Tricks For Keeping Your Halloween Safe!

Halloween is a big treat for kids but is a huge worry for parents and drivers. Parents and drivers can lower risks this Halloween by making sure their trick-or-treating children follow these safety tips: Smart parents can ensure a safe halloween by accompanying small children around the neighborhood. If your children are old enough to…