Do You Have Enough Coverage to Rebuild Your Home?

Imagine how devastating it would be to lose your home in a fire. Now imagine not being able to rebuild it completely because you didn’t have the correct amount of insurance. Selecting the proper amount of coverage is the single most important decision you can make with your Homeowners policy. Without it, you may not…

Open Enrollment Ends March 31st!

Open enrollment for individuals & families ends this Monday! If you miss the deadline the market will open again in the fall of 2014 for effective dates in 2015. Do not hesitate, sign up now! Enrollment is easy. Visit and click “apply now.” The only exception will be individuals who loose their current coverage through a…

I’m borrowing my friend’s car … am I covered?

Most people have an idea of what’s covered and not covered under their various insurance policies. But at Gene Morgan Insurance Agency, we get a lot of questions about borrowing or loaning a car. Anytime you might be looking to borrow your neighbor’s truck for a home-improvement project, or borrow a friend’s car if yours…

What to Do After a Major Water Leak or Indoor Flood

In California we have been experiencing heavy rain over the past week or so. We thought now would be a great time to remind people what to do in the event of an emergency water leak or flood. Follow these steps in the event of an emergency: 1. Stop the Water If water is coming…

Why Everyone Needs an Umbrella Policy

If you are ever sued, your standard homeowners or auto policy will provide you with some liability coverage, paying for judgments against you and your attorney’s fees, up to a limit set in the policy. However, in our litigious society, you may want to have an extra layer of liability protection. That’s what a personal…

Why a Home Inventory Is Important

Let’s try a little exercise: Can you list everything you own from memory? Didn’t think so. The fact is most people own more things than they realize. It’s easy to remember the cars, the computer, the TV. But what about that holiday china in the garage?  Or every pair of shoes? All of it is…

Don’t Get Soaked!

Of all the appliances found in the home, the water heater and washing machine are the most likely to cause serious damage, and cost home owners a bundle. According to a nationwide analysis by Safeco Insurance, one out of every 10 water-damage claims can be traced back to a malfunctioning hot water tank or washing…

Water That Christmas Tree!

A real tree in your home can be a fire hazard, and even more so if it goes unwatered. Always keep your tree safe and clear of any decorations that can spark a flame near your tree, such as candles and other hazardous decorations. According to the National Fire Protection Association (, there are an…

Over the river and through the woods in California…

Millions of Americans will do some traveling this holiday season – the majority of it by car. Of course, winter weather creates a unique set of challenges on the roadways, whether you’re simply driving around in the Bay Area or headed to Lake Tahoe. At Gene Morgan Insurance,  we’d like to help you not only…

The gift of time could be the best gift of all this holiday season!

For many, the holiday season is a time for celebration and fun with loved ones. But for others in the Tri-Valley, the season can be one of the loneliest times of the year. At Gene Morgan Insurance Agency, we know how precious the gift of time can mean to someone in Livermore during the Holidays. Here…