I’m Borrowing My Friend’s Car… Am I Covered?

Most people have an idea of what’s covered and not covered under their various insurance policies. But at Gene Morgan Insurance Agency, we get a lot of questions about borrowing or loaning a car. Anytime you might be looking to borrow your neighbor’s truck for a home-improvement project, or borrow a friend’s car if yours…

Uninsured Motorists Are On The Rise!!

The economic downturn has had numerous effects on our country. One of these is the increase in uninsured motorists on the road. According to new estimates from the Insurance Research Council, one in seven drivers in the United States are uninsured. Despite the fact that many states have laws requiring drivers to maintain insurance, the…

Avoiding Distractions While Driving Could Save Your Life!

You’ve seen them on the roads; you might even know a few of them. And you could be one yourself. Distracted drivers in come in all shapes, sizes, ages and experience levels. Even if you’re not one today, you could become one at any moment — in the time it takes you to answer your…