It’s Boating Season… Don’t Let Insurance Sink Your Summer Fun!

As we get closer to summer, boat owners should all be assessing their insurance needs if they do not carry boat insurance already. If you have a boat, you need boat insurance.  Some people assume their homeowners’ policy is all they need to protect their boat. Not true. Typically, homeowners policies limited coverage for boats…

You’re No Kid, And That’s No 10 Speed!

As the weather gets warmer outside most motorcycle riders are beginning to ride more often. Now is the best time to review your motorcycle insurance to make sure you are properly covered! In addition, please take note of the below important safety tips to keep you safe on the road! Nine out of 10 motorcycle…

2012 Agribusiness Conference

Two weeks ago our agents Marnie & Michelle attended the 2012 Agribusiness Conference in Sacramento. The conference is a unique opportunity to learn about the farm and agricultural industry; network with agribusiness insurance professionals and to earn the Agribusiness and Farm Insurance Specialist Designation (AFIS). The AFIS designation is the foremost professional designation for specialists…

Five Insurance Mistakes to Avoid… And Still Save Money!

  1. Insuring a home for its real estate value rather than for the cost of rebuilding. When real estate prices go down, some homeowners may think they can reduce the amount of insurance on their home. But insurance is designed to cover the cost of rebuilding, not the sales price of the home. You…

Beyond Qualified… We Are Certified!

The better an agent knows and understands your business, the better he or she can act as your trusted partner, helping ensure you’ve got the insurance coverages you need, while keeping costs reasonable. Farm agent certification is another reason Nationwide is the nation’s #1 farm and ranch provider. We know of no other farm insurance company…

Avoiding Distractions While Driving Could Save Your Life!

You’ve seen them on the roads; you might even know a few of them. And you could be one yourself. Distracted drivers in come in all shapes, sizes, ages and experience levels. Even if you’re not one today, you could become one at any moment — in the time it takes you to answer your…

When Water Goes Where It Shouldn’t

Even a small leak can become a major problem, so knowing what you’re covered for and how to prevent water damage are equally important.  The below tips should help uncover any potential water problems down the road and keep your property dry.  Check appliance hoses.  Standard hoses are not as durable as they used to…

Protect Your Assets With an Umbrella Policy

A client of ours recently was involved in an unfortunate accident which has really reinforced our belief that most of our clients need an umbrella policy to protect their financial future. Most of our clients are unaware that standard limits on a homeowner’s or auto policy may not be enough!! If you are ever sued,…

Decorate Safely This Holiday Season!

We know that decorating for Christmas is fun and festive; but before you climb on the roof to string your lights, know that about 12,500 injuries occur every year due to Christmas lights and decorations. Along with injuries, Christmas decorations also cause millions of dollars in property damage during the holidays. Be safe when decorating…